The Chinese medicine provides the study of feet pressure point and it is believed that the pressure points cure the diseases. Acupressure is the traditional practice introduced in china and lesser known companion compared to acupuncture. In the acupressure, the physical pressure is applied to point on the parts and in the acupuncture, thin needle is sticking to parts of the body which controls other parts. The idea used in the acupressure is to release pain for relief. The energy is flown through the path. Only the related treatment can be done through acupressure but people are taking vigorous message. There are various studies have been conducted to provide information about the acupressure and their effectiveness. The research conducted by many researchers and those who practice them told that pressing on the acupressure point yields positive health situation.
The procedure of the treatments of acupuncture is complex and technical but it is overwhelming for the people who wants self-treatment by utilizing pressure point (advisor). Appropriate diagnosis is required as the selection of pressure point is science and art. The person who practices should give their years to feel comfortable in finding pressure point. Feet have the pressure points that maintains the good health and the theory explains the every parts of the human body is associated with the pressure point present in human feet.
Tai Chong (LV 3)
Tai Chong (LV 3) pressure point is used to cure headaches, stress, anger, anxiety and pain during menstrual cycle. The pressure point is positioned by pressing on the spot between second toe and big toe. The point is located where the tendons of the two toe meets. The sorest point is the pressure point and the pressure is applied at that point. The step to use the pressure point Tai Chong (LV3) is first the person should locate the point on the feet. The person should use firm pressure and deep massage. The area of the point should be stimulated for 4-5 seconds of time duration. The review of the scientific literature stated that pressing on the pressure point yielded the positive result for curing various problems. Tai Chong (LV 3) pressure point managed the depression of post-stroke and lowers the plasma endothlin-1 level and blood pressure.
Yong Quan (KD 1)
The pressure point is located by pressing along foot and located below the big toe joint. Yong Quan (KD 1) pressure point can be used by sitting in the straight-backed chair. The person who need the massage should rest the left leg ankle over thigh or the knee of the right leg. After positioning the ankle, left foot should be cradled in the right hand. The thumb of the right hand is used to massage by giving moderate pressure to the pressure point. The process of massaging or pressing should be continued for two to three minutes and the side is switched. The same process is followed by switching the side. By pressing below the joint of big toe, we can find the pressure point of Yong Quan. Pressing the point is useful to cure insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, night sweat, poor memory and hot flashes.
Da Dun (LV 1)
Dan Dun is another pressure point located in the inner side of the big toe. To be more closure, the point can be found in the inner side about one inch taken from the toenail corner. The pressure point is used to cure stomachaches, hernias and dizziness. The guidelines that should be obeyed in the pressure point is that the pressure of the person should be firm but it hurts a little. More pressure should be applied if the muscles is developed. If the person feels extreme pain in the process, the pressure should be decreased gradually until the balanced point is found. The point should not be pressed if found painful.
Tai Bai
The pressure point Tai Bai cures the stomachaches, abdominal distensions, vomiting, dysentery and abdominal related problems. The point is placed on near and middle side of the ball of the foot. The pressure is felt strongest when we press along the side until reaching to depression which is the Tai Bai pressure point. Pressing the pressure point is the use method of tai bai. Pressing the point strengthens the spleen and resolves dampness. Pressing the pressure point on Tai Bai cures deficient spleen and stomach. Tiredness, poor memory and poor apetites is alos cured by pressing the pressure point on Tai Bai. Target area of the tai Bai is back and acupuncture meridian is spleen. Pressing the pressure point on Tai Bai regulates intestines and improves spinal muscles.
Tai xi
Tai xi is one of the fifteen pressure point on the feet that is located between top of the medial malleolus and Achilles tendon of the ankle. The pressure point is useful to cure sore throat, kidney diseases, asthma, toothaches, arthritis and bronchitis. Tai Xi is excellent for the toothache, sore throat, lower backache, swollen gums, and cold sores and vomiting. To remove sensation of excessive cold or heat and to remove the age lines, the pressure point is used. Pressing on the pressure point activates the self-healing power of the person. The pressure point should be used as per the need and health condition. The techniques to apply pressure on the pressure point is use thumb, palm and finger to the point from 1 to 2 minute at steady and stationary pressure. The pressure should be firm and stationary while pressing and that may hurt little. The condition of the patient is examined because if the patient feels pain then the application of the pressure should be stopped.
Shen mai
Pressing on Shen mai pressure point cures cold, reduces anxiety, improve patience and reduces fear (medicine). The point is located on the bony bump, malleolus located at outside of the ankle. In the shen mai process, the point is found at the lateral side of the foot and inferior border of the lateral malleolus approximately 0.5 cun. Pressing on the pressure point expels exterior wind and pacifies interior wind. Pressing on the pressure point shen mai is useful to calm the spirit and benefits head and eyes. It opens the yang motility vessel and regulates it. Pressing on the shen mai alleviates pain and by activating the channels.
Qiu Xu
Qiu Xu is located the bony bump and as inch below the lateral malleolus. Qiu Xu lies at outside of the ankle. When the Qiu Xu is pressed, it cures metal stress and helps in mood stabilization. The techniques for pressing on the point needs techniques and acupressure massage should be done by gathering the knowledge on the pressure point (Wang). After the point is located on the feet, it should be confirmed that whether the pressure of the patient is steady or not. The pressure should be steady before applying the procedure. The ancient process heals the pain by using finger and thumbs in pressing pressure point. The point is located inch below the lateral malleolus and with the help of thumb the point should be pressed gently.
Kun Lun
Kun lun is the pressure point found in the feet located between the achiles’s tendon and highest point of the lateral malleolus. The study reveals that fact that pressing on the pressure point cures eye diseases, high blood pressure, diarrhea, lumbar pain and intestinal issues. The location of the Kunlun point is on the depression between the Achilles tendons and ankle as mention above and the pressure on the Kunlun promotes circulation at the time of labor pain and reduces the obstructions during the labor time. The thumb is applied to provide light pressure to the point and massage is given to few minute. The stimulation of the pressure point helps in blood circulation and improves circulation of oxygen on blood by reducing pain to brain (Scaccia, 2015).
Xing Jian
Xing jian is located in the part of the skin between second toe and first toe. When the pressure is applied between the thick part of the skin web of first and second toe, the pressure point can be found where it is felt strongest. The Xing Jian pressure point cures the leg cramp, liver diseases, sinusitis, and eye diseases. The pressure is applied with the finger and thumb with the support from other fingers. The patient should independently follow self-massage at the point.
Li Nei Ting
Li Nei Ting is located on the planter side of the foot between second and third toes of the foot. The point can be found out easily by soreness when pressure is applied at the point. The urinary tract infection can be cured when pressing the point and food poisoning can be cured with the method. The pressure point Neiting helps to clear the heat from the organ and channels and prevents from febrile diseases. Face pain, tooth ache, stroke and eye pain can be cured with the help of the pressing on the pressure point. The major usefulness of the pressure point is damps heat of the intestines curing intestine related problems. GERD, constipations are the related problems that are solved with the method. When the person feels hot inside but body is cold, the heat is damped.
Xia Li
Pressing on the Xia Li pressure point, diarrhea can be cured and the point lies an inch below the adjoining point of second toe and big toe on the upper side. Position the fingers directly at between the big toe and second toe. Pressing the point will refresh the patient and builds energy. The point is useful to cure the diarrhea.
Zu Lin Qi
Zu Lin Qi is located at the exterior side of the foot and the point can be easily located by pressing foot and running finger along the area. Pressing on the pressure point Zu Lin Qi, muscle cramp can be cured. Further pressing on the point is useful for lumber pain, eye condition, apoplexy and psychoneurosis.
Gao Ya Xue Dian
Gao Ya Xue Dian is one of the pressure point on the foot that is located in the center part of the big toe on the upper side. Gao Ya Xue Dian is used to maintain the high blood pressure. While performing Gao Ya Xue Dian, first of all patient should take off the shoe and find out the pressure point. Use thumb to press the point at the center part of the toe for 1 to 2 minute.
Di Er Li Dui
Di Er Li Dui is another point located on the feet in the toe area that is used to cure nausea, hiccups and appetite. Di Er Li Dui can be found easily in the feet area below the toenail and upper side of the second toe. The point lies on the second toe. Gently massaging on the pressure point of the toe will help to cure form lack of appetite.
Di San Li Dui
It is easy to find the Di San Li Dui point on the feet as it lies right below the toenail of the middle toe. Pressing the point is used in heartburn and excessive burping (Spleen 3). To perform the Di San Li Dui, the person should concentrate on the pressure point of the feet. It is recommended to use lotion or lubrication and move the to move the finger towards the pressure point.
advisor, N. h. (n.d.). pressure point on feet. advisor, New health.
medicine, s. l. (n.d.). acupuncture . scared lotus chinese medicine.
Scaccia, A. (2015). The Acupressure Points for Inducing Labor. Healthline.
(n.d.). Spleen 3.
Wang, Y. (n.d.). Elsevier Health science.