Balanced diet is taking appropriate type of nutrients and in right proportion according to requirements of human body. The amount of nutrition depends on age, performance rate, gender, disease, and keeping body healthy. The requirements of balanced diets are fats, fibre (peristalsis), vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, minerals, and water. The sources of Nutrition are presented in the table as

Figure 1Balance diet constituents
The ratio of weights to square if heights is BMI. Weight is taken in Kg and height in cm. the body fat of the individual can be determined through BMI.
Body mass index (BMI) =
BMI is the excellent tool to determine the tendency to be obesity.

Figure 2: BMI Chart
Reference to BMI

Figure 3 average BMI
We should not consider the BMI as reliable measures as only height and weights cannot decide the obese categorist.


Not taking sufficient proportion of nutrition that is essential to the body results to nutritional deficiency. There is greater chance of being a child more nutritional deficient that adults. Ensuring providing the amount required for the balanced diet will prevent the malnutrition. Imbalanced diet refers taking excessive diet. The chart is provided to provide details of the deficiency, symptoms and the causes.

Figure 4 Deficiencies, Symptoms and cause
Man (aged 26-30 years)

Figure 5 Dietary plan for men
Woman (aged 26-50 years)

Figure 6  Dietary plan for Women
However, dietary plans may differ with the lifestyle, culture and preferences. I have provided the plan by conducting research from various paper. It is better to consult the nutritionist to make the diet chart though.

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