of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology (Training Report)
Nepal is in the phase of development of nuclear act, policy and guidelines. So, it is crucial to know
Nepal is in the phase of development of nuclear act, policy and guidelines. So, it is crucial to know
the practices from
other countries. The reasons behind the lack of radiopharmaceuticals in the
developing countries like Nepal are:
- · Lack of infrastructures and legislation
- · Lack of training and education
- · Regulatory issues
- · Implementation of technology
- · Education such as e-learning, training modules, syllabus development and so on
- · Help in solving regulatory issues such as; mandatory requirement of safety. Due to the increasing complexity of radiopharmaceutical preparations and the mandatory requirement of patient’s safety, there exists a widespread demand to support regulators and preparation of guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
- Meetings, workshops, conferences
Basics about Radiation Technology
When the nucleus is unstable and it is giving off energy or particles to become stable. So it goes through a SERIES of radioactive decay until it becomes an element that is no longer unstable- · Radiation cannot be felt
- · Measurable only with detector
- · Radioactivity cannot be artificially destroyed
Estimated whole body dose per each medical
Daily Life and Radiation
(mrem) ; 1mrem =0.01msev
Source: Research
Institute of Radiation Health, Korea
Exemption and Consideration
Exemption and
Consideration of Range of Regulation in international practice (Kim, 2018)
- · Exemption criteria (IAEA GSR Part 3) mentions
- · Effective dose : 10 µsv per year.
- · Collective effective dose : 1 person.Sv
- · Type approved sealed radioactive sources
- · ≤ 1 µsv/h at 0.1 m from any accessible surface of the device;
- · The dose to members of the public ≤ 10 µsv/yr
- · Type approved electrical apparatus
- · ≤ 1 µsv/h at 0.1 m from any accessible surface of the apparatus; or
- · The maximum radiation energy is 5 kev
Further, the international practice
of exemption and consideration of range of regulation are:
However, some sources are not amenable to control,
- · 40K in the body;
- · cosmic radiation at the surface of the earth;
- · low concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides in raw materials
Exemption applies if either the
Activity Concentration or the Activity does not exceed the limits as provided
Clearance Types
Unconditional clearance
Conditional clearance
No further control
First destination of the material is known
and after that no further control.
Notification and Authorization of Material
Risk Matrix
Source Categories
This categorization can be used in
determining the graded approach to notification and authorization.
The IAEA can
assist Nepal in through various types of activities. However, Lack of
infrastructures and legislation, Lack of training and education, Regulatory
issues and issue of Implementation of technology is becoming the factors
preventing the assistance to Nepal.
Slides of
training classes
Kim, H. (2018, Sept). Regulatory Control. Korea: Kins.
Lee, Y. J. (2018, Sept). Basic
knowledge ofradiation technology . Korea: Advanced Radiation Technology